معنى angel investor or business angel بالعربي
رعاة الأعمال - تعبير دارج
1) angel investor or business angel- noun
∘ تعريف angel investor or business angel بالعربي:
a person who supports a business by investing money in it, especially somebody who supports a new small business with their own money
∘ أمثلة عن angel investor or business angel بالعربي والانكليزي
تمّ بناء الشركة بمساهمة رعاة الأعمال.
The company was built by the contribution of angel investors.
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معنى angel investor or business angel بالعربي
رُعَاةُ الأَعْمَال - تَعْبِيْرٌ دَارِجٌ
1) angel investor or business angel- noun
∘ تعريف angel investor or business angel بالعربي:
a person who supports a business by investing money in it, especially somebody who supports a new small business with their own money
∘ أمثلة عن angel investor or business angel بالعربي والانكليزي
تَمَّ بِنَاءُ الْشَرِكَةِ بِمُسَاهَمَةِ رُعَاةِ الْأَعْمَالِ.
The company was built by the contribution of angel investors.
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