angel investor or business angel بالعربي

معنى angel investor or business angel بالعربي (رُعَاةُ الأَعْمَال) وترجمات أخرى. هذه المقالة تحتوي النطق وأمثلة لتوضيح المعنى

معنى angel investor or business angel بالعربي

رعاة الأعمال - تعبير دارج

1) angel investor or business angel- noun

  ∘ تعريف angel investor or business angel بالعربي:

a person who supports a business by investing money in it, especially somebody who supports a new small business with their own money

  ∘ أمثلة عن angel investor or business angel بالعربي والانكليزي

تمّ بناء الشركة بمساهمة رعاة الأعمال.

The company was built by the contribution of angel investors.

معنى angel investor or business angel بالعربي

رُعَاةُ الأَعْمَال - تَعْبِيْرٌ دَارِجٌ

1) angel investor or business angel- noun

  ∘ تعريف angel investor or business angel بالعربي:

a person who supports a business by investing money in it, especially somebody who supports a new small business with their own money

  ∘ أمثلة عن angel investor or business angel بالعربي والانكليزي

تَمَّ بِنَاءُ الْشَرِكَةِ بِمُسَاهَمَةِ رُعَاةِ الْأَعْمَالِ.

The company was built by the contribution of angel investors.
