معنى cream off بالعربي
حجز - فعل
1) cream off - verb
∘ تعريف cream off بالعربي:
to choose the best people or things from a group, especially so that you can use them for your own advantage
∘ أمثلة عن cream off بالعربي والانكليزي
حجزت الشّركة الطّلبة الأوائل للعمل ضمن صفوفها
The company creamed off the best students to work within its staff
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معنى cream off بالعربي
حَجَزَ - فعل
1) cream off - verb
∘ تعريف cream off بالعربي:
to choose the best people or things from a group, especially so that you can use them for your own advantage
∘ أمثلة عن cream off بالعربي والانكليزي
حَجَزَتِ الشَّرِكَةُ الطُّلَبَةَ الأَوَائِلَ لِلْعَمَلِ ضِمْنَ صُفُوْفِهَا
The company creamed off the best students to work within its staff
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